Smoothie King Pay stubs, W2s and Employment Verification

Pay stubs and W2

A pay stub is evidence of an employee’s working hours, tax, and wages for a definite period. Previously it was a manual paycheck. Nowadays, it has become a digital service where there is no physical activity like withdrawing payment hand to hand. When you are an employee of the Smoothie King Company, you can get access to Paychex’s digital payroll service, known as Paychex flex, know about your pay stubs, and manage your personal information. Your W2 statements are also available here. To know your pay stubs and W2s statements, you have to log in to Paychex Flex with a username and password. But first, you have to sign up here.

How to Sign up?

  1. First, browse
  2. Click on the Sign-Up option.
  3. Enter your personal information correctly as Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Phone Number, Home Address, City, State, Zip, County, etc., and click on the Continue button.
  4. Then you will get a pop-up window on the screen and have to review and verify your entered information. If everything is correct, then click on the Yes button.
  5. Then you have to answer some security questions as security information and click the continue button.
  1. The next step is the security level. You can choose your security level as Highly Recommended When I log in from an unrecognized device. Besides this, you have to select a default method to receive verification codes as Highly Recommended on the Text Me option. You have to click on a checkbox as I acknowledge I have read and understood the user security levels and clicked on the Continue button.
  2. In this step, you have to create a User name and Password and provide a primary Email address. You also have to verify your Password and Primary Email Address by entering the same password and Email again on the definite field. Please, follow the password requirements when you enter the password.
  3. An Email will be sent to your Email Address, and you have to activate your Paychex Flex account by clicking on the link sent to your Email address.
  4. If you don’t get an email or don’t verify after getting an email, then you can resend the email to your address by clicking on the Resend Email button after login back into Paychex Flex.

Employment Verification

When you need to verify your employment as a Smoothie King employee, you have to browse this link: Then you will get an option as VERIFY A SMOOTHIE KING EMPLOYEE, and click on it. You have to provide some information for your verification as Name, Emil, and Social Security Number, and you have to select the purpose of verification from a dropdown list. Besides these, you have to upload the Employee Authorization Form. Finally, you have to click on the SUBMIT button to complete your request to verify your employment. If you fail to upload Employee Authorization Form, it may delay 2 weeks of verifying your request. To take this service from True Work, you have to pay $20 while submitting a verification request.


Paychex Flex

4 thoughts on “Smoothie King Pay stubs, W2s and Employment Verification

  1. i cant ascess my w2 from online my account is locked i need account unlocked and a new id and password

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