Aluma Form Pay Stubs & W2s

How to Access Aluma Form Pay Stubs & W2s Online?

The use of paper is essential in document management in human resources and payroll departments in the office of any business organization. Paper production requires many trees to be cut down, and as a result, the balance of the environment is destroyed. In addition to paper, offices also require printers, ink, and ink cartridges, which contain chemicals that are more harmful to the environment’s water and soil. Wood is very much needed daily as Aluma Form company provides several wood products besides fiberglass and aluminum for electrical utility and communication industries. So if we can use something alternative to paper in the office, many trees will be saved, and at the same time, the balance of the environment will be maintained. And a modern solution to this problem is the online payroll portal. Through this, any company’s human resources data maintenance and payroll processing can be done, and their Pay Stubs and W2 Statements can be distributed online. Aluma Form, a company with five decades of experience manufacturing and delivering high-quality products at affordable prices, uses the Paylocity Employee Self-Service Portal for employees.

Access Your Aluma Form Pay & W2 Statements at the Paylocity Employee Self-Service Portal

  • I think the best solution for employees is to receive Pay Stubs and W2 Statements in a self-service process through the Paylocity Employee Self-Service Portal. By logging in here, employees can securely access their personal information and payroll documents in a pure Internet architecture-based environment with powerful new functionality. To sign in, go to Paylocity Employee Self-Service Portal main page using this link ( and enter your Company ID (Aluma Form Company ID in Paylocity Portal is 101440), Username and Password, and click on the “Login” button.
  • However, new users (newly joined Aluma Form Company) must complete the registration first through the “Register New User” link. The “Register New User” link is at the bottom of the portal’s main page. There are two ways (with a passcode and without a passcode) to start the Paylocity registration process. Click on “I don’t have a Registration Passcode” to register without a passcode. Then fill in the Company ID, SSN, Confirm SSN (re-enter your SSN here), and Date of Birth (select from the drop-down menu) input fields with correct information, authenticate the “I’m not a robot” reCAPTCHA and click the “Continue” button. Then select and answer three security questions to verify your identity in the Paylocity system when retrieving your password or in case of an emergency. Create a unique username and a strong password in the last step of Paylocity registration. Now, go back to the Paylocity login or main page and log in to the portal.
  • It is essential to do some things while logging in for the first time after registration. Click on the black box menu at the top left, “HR & Payroll” or any other name, then click on “Self Service Portal” to reach the dashboard. All information should be checked and updated by clicking on “View Employee Profile” from the left side of the dashboard.
  • View Pay Stubs and W2 Statements: Usually, the dashboard has a “Pay” option under which there is a table of Pay Stubs. Alternatively, click “Payroll” from the top menu bar and enter the “Pay” menu. From the table of Pay Stubs, click on Pay Date (blue color and hyperlinked) and open your desired Pay Stub to view its details. To view W2 Statements, click on “More” under the “Pay” option and click on “Tax Forms.” Otherwise, click “Payroll” in the top menu to get the “Tax Forms” option.

Disclaimer: The Aluma Form and Aluma Form logos are the registered trademarks and copyrighted works of Aluma Form, Inc.

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